shopping malls while are a public domain are in fact NOT owned by the public and are there for allowed to set their own rules, Like Pubs and Nite Clubs it also means they are open for public litigation if someone is harrassed or feels they are being harrased not only can that person take action against the person whom they think is harassing them but they can also take action against the management of the shopping mall as the management of the shopping mall has a duty of care to all its customers who enter the mall. It is a double edge sword as far as the shopping mall is concerned They can either put up with a law suit from someone they refused entry too (in this case the mall would more than likley win as there excuse for refusal of entry could be based on the fact that person was not there to purchase anything and if the claiment says they were then they would have to prove that they had money to make said purchases) or they can have a faluire in duty of care case ( were by all that it would take is for a women to claim that a person or persons harassed them in a fashion that they found offensive this as you should be well aware of in this country can mean that that person gave unwanted attention in the form of staring to said woman. In which the management of the mall could be in for thousands of dollars in compensation. If you read the rules of any privatly owned public place there will always be a legal clause that states to the effect of "the management retains the right to refuse entry to any persons."