Note that compare to Locals and Westerners your salary is nothing, anyhow...
You can find accommodation for 800 QR (Shearing with 1 or two)
Transportation subject to distance of between office and accommodation, if you can a room within walking distance than your transportation allowance added to saving.
Monthly expanses with internet, mobile, personal trasport (if you have no car), and foods approx. 1200 QR.
Its depending on your life style.
Note that compare to Locals and Westerners your salary is nothing, anyhow...
You can find accommodation for 800 QR (Shearing with 1 or two)
Transportation subject to distance of between office and accommodation, if you can a room within walking distance than your transportation allowance added to saving.
Monthly expanses with internet, mobile, personal trasport (if you have no car), and foods approx. 1200 QR.
Now you can formulate your saving according to..