
WHAT? Nancy boy, Buggery, me? What the hell is going on? For years we were told that Men need to be more sensitive and sophisticated; we were even encouraged to connect with our feminine side. I pluck my chest hair (effing painful that), spend good money on toiletries, abandon the faithful bar of soap for Moisturizing Shower Gel and a Loofah, master the art of post-coital-hugs-and-romantic-conversation-for-a-good-ten-minutes instead of turning over and snoring in one smooth movement, only to realise that I was wrong all along? Women owe me and the rest of the men an explanation. Better still, why don’t you lot make up your bloody minds?

Someonenew: I have short hair; that goo is bound to hit my scalp. Like I mentioned, I rinse it off Completely:) Thanks anyways.