had to get some work done.

Molae, sorry if you didn't find my heading of Naked Women, entertaining...it was done because the original post only got 3 responses and the animal shelter needed help with donations. So..knowing people as I do..did something to catch people's attention so more would read it and help the animals. Perhaps obtaining a sense of humor would help you with life.
You also called me rude..well I never did anything rude, unlike you as per the post you put on here, below:

"Molae said ..."is it in yet?" ...

I dont know, scarlett. You are the expert & I leave it up to you" and by the way, yes, I DID take offense to that. You assume to slander me in this and you don't even know me. Let me tell you this much..ask anyone who DOES know me and see what they say about my reputation and personality. I believe you owe ME an apology for that.

As far as Western civilizations not having virgins...to that I say poppycock!! I know a LOT of people that are still virgins and very proud to be one. Its all a matter of personal choice and respect of themselves and others. Trust me, its not just the Middle East that has virgins. Also...what everyone calls a virgin...does that include exclusion ALL forms of sexual contact? I mean there's a reason its called oral SEX and anal SEX...but seems that only the orafice that has a hymen seems to count as being a virgin. Perhaps I was raised believing wrongly that all of those break the terminology of being a virgin,...hyman be darned...Reminds me of someone who always said "but, I didn't inhale!!"

Anyone ever stop to think that perhaps she was coerced into confessing to having sex before marriage? Pehaps on the wedding night her hyman was already broken by sports or whatever (except sex!) and her husband got bent out of shape because there was no blood...then gets physical with her to the point that she finally just gives in and says ok, I had sex...just to get him to leave her alone and/or quit beating her...I certainly would be more than happy to get a marriage like that annulled as soon as possible.

Problem is, we will never know the entire circumstances behind the story. Yes, this practice of the wedding sheets does date way back, and the article says it was a Muslim wedding.. what's most likely happening in this instance is that the two religions/histories have merged and are taking bits and pieces from each. From what I've heard on here its not based in Islam...nor actually in Christianity...but just in former times....just happened to be a Muslim wedding that it occurred in.

Molae, I harbor you no ill feelings...regardless of what you think of me. But, I will tell you that in assuming you know what God loves, you are placing yourself on His level...don't know about Islam but in my religion, that's definitely frowned upon. We are His creation..not His equal.

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.