Well TexGary, in case of Afghanistan the US strategy was more to deal a crppling blow to USSR's territorial ambitions and thus tip the power balance more to their (US)favor. Yes, rebuilding was not taken care of and then Taliban rose out of the void thus created!!
As for Kuwait, dont u think it was the concern about Oil that made US go in rather than the right of Kuwaitis for their soverneigty?
Lol...u r right it did show "both sides of that conflict from the 'American' perspective"... :-p
But I really enjoyed the movie...Tom Hanks did a great job with tht role.
I went to a fight the other night, and a hockey game broke out.
Well TexGary, in case of Afghanistan the US strategy was more to deal a crppling blow to USSR's territorial ambitions and thus tip the power balance more to their (US)favor. Yes, rebuilding was not taken care of and then Taliban rose out of the void thus created!!
As for Kuwait, dont u think it was the concern about Oil that made US go in rather than the right of Kuwaitis for their soverneigty?
Lol...u r right it did show "both sides of that conflict from the 'American' perspective"... :-p
But I really enjoyed the movie...Tom Hanks did a great job with tht role.
I went to a fight the other night, and a hockey game broke out.