Southland...Vietnam or no Vietnam communism was headed for collapse. I would defenitely agree tht its a great philosophy, but it was ne'r really followed in its true spirit. There was Stalinism, Leninism, Maoism n so on but they were not the wht the ideology visualised.
In his book "Perestroika", Gorbachev has given a wonderful sketch on how the fall of communism was a fait accompli even to its strongest supporters.
Abt use of atomic weapons, yeah the US beat the Japs to it, but there are arguments that the US used the weapon at a stage wer the war was as gud as won...well..i dont really know..
But given half a chance , I donot doubt it that the Germans /Japs wud hav used it against the US, if they cud.
Talking about atrocities I came upon something quite recently about something called Unit 731 during the Sino-Jap war in 1937. Guys, believe me, Do not search for info on it(tht is if u donno abt it already) unless u hav a strong stomach!!
I went to a fight the other night, and a hockey game broke out.
Southland...Vietnam or no Vietnam communism was headed for collapse. I would defenitely agree tht its a great philosophy, but it was ne'r really followed in its true spirit. There was Stalinism, Leninism, Maoism n so on but they were not the wht the ideology visualised.
In his book "Perestroika", Gorbachev has given a wonderful sketch on how the fall of communism was a fait accompli even to its strongest supporters.
Abt use of atomic weapons, yeah the US beat the Japs to it, but there are arguments that the US used the weapon at a stage wer the war was as gud as won...well..i dont really know..
But given half a chance , I donot doubt it that the Germans /Japs wud hav used it against the US, if they cud.
Talking about atrocities I came upon something quite recently about something called Unit 731 during the Sino-Jap war in 1937. Guys, believe me, Do not search for info on it(tht is if u donno abt it already) unless u hav a strong stomach!!
I went to a fight the other night, and a hockey game broke out.