Pro-Israel Lobby Groups

AIPAC- (America Israel Public Affairs Committee)
NACPAC- (National Action Committee)
JINSA- (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs)
CUFI- (Christians United for Israel "Christian AIPAC)

*These 4 groups actively advocate for Israel in congress
*All 4 of these groups support the creation of a Palestinian state.
*All 4 of these groups support U.S. aid to the Palestinians so long as the aid is "used properly"

Anti-Israel Lobby Groups

CAIR- (Council on American-Islamic Relations)
MPAC- (Muslim Public Affairs Council)
ADC- (American-Arab Anti Discrimination Committee)
Al-AWDA - (The Right of Return Coalition)
Atlanta Palestine Solidarity
ISM- (International Solidarity Movement)
AAPER - (American Association for Palestinian Equal Rights)
NAAA - (National Association of Arab Americans)

These does not include the powerful "arab oil lobbies"
*These 8 groups actively lobby congress against Israel
*All 8 of these groups support eliminating all U.S. aid to Israel
*All but 2 of these groups support the complete destruction of Israel.