I appreciate your comment and I don't feel even an iota of anger or annoyance with your post as I believe that all of us are entitled to our own views and opinions. As I stated in my foreword, the post is not intended to generate hate. It is meant to serve as a critique or criticism so that no such thing will ever happen again. It is like a bull session after an event so that all the negative points are threshed out. Otherwise, if it is not addressed at all, then the possibility of having a league with regulations that are not clear cut is very near at hand.

To my point of view, standing only 5'2 tall and with the tallest player in the group standing at 5'10, 6'5 is really towering. What made it worse is that he has never played before and only appeared during the semi-finals.

Faggot is used as an adjective to describe the actions of the person who shouted straight at the group - taunting them with matching stomping of feet. I remember alluding to him like a screaming faggot because of his actions.

Anyway, what has happened already happened. That match crumbled the morale of the players but also served as a lesson for each of them so that they can do better next time in other leagues.

I hope that the next time Fedex stages their 2nd Conference, all the loopholes shall be cleared.

By the way, our company is still using FEDEX as our courier instead of using DHL. The post is intended to make them review their rules in staging leagues and not to destroy the company. I think, if I stated FEDEX- DIRTY, that will be another thing. But the title of my post clearly states - FEDEX BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT: DIRTY.

Have a nice day, jose_andres. Be assured that I haven't taken any of your words at the personal level. Like me, you have a right to express your own thoughts.