Well, technically speaking isnt he really a she? I mean going back to the basics, what determines the sex of a person is the reproductive organs that person has at the time of consideration.

Even though this person went thru a sex change the female reproductive system in the person was intact. So technically,the person,IMHO, is a she. Whether 'she' wants to be called a 'he' is just a matter of preference.

So isnt this more like a case of one person in a lesbian relationship gettin pregnant by AI?

Whatever they did, they could have exercised a bit of discretion and kept it under wraps for the sake of their child- a child who is gonna be ridiculed,ostracized and discriminated against for no fault of its own.

How the child is going to be viewd by the society is a really disturbing thought!

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.