Why worry about it, no-one got hurt(i dont think) you are 2 grown adults(i hope) and more so it has happened, be polite if you see him, explain if you dont think its going any further, and enjoy your life, its not as if either of you did not consent, just next time, make sure you have a bite to eat or a cup of coffee before you leave...time is a great healer, im sure it will be at the back of your mind in a week or so, i hope you enjoyed it, which im sure you will of done....take care.
Why worry about it, no-one got hurt(i dont think) you are 2 grown adults(i hope) and more so it has happened, be polite if you see him, explain if you dont think its going any further, and enjoy your life, its not as if either of you did not consent, just next time, make sure you have a bite to eat or a cup of coffee before you leave...time is a great healer, im sure it will be at the back of your mind in a week or so, i hope you enjoyed it, which im sure you will of done....take care.