Words have meanings, that's why there are so many words and even some of them are very similar in meaning, yet different.

Marriage - the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.

Union - the act of uniting two or more things.

Both 1st definitions from Dictionary.com

In other words, don't go changing the meaning of words just to suit your own personal desires outside of social mores. There are rules/laws etc, to give structure to society for cohesiveness. For example, the aforementioned topic of being president for a day. Forget that, I change the rules to allow me to be president, because I feel I'm excluded from the political system as I could not afford to go to the right college. So give me Air Force One, my Secret Service detail, the keys to the 'football', and forget the rules/mores of how we elect a president.