Of course I agree with you Abu American that cultural problems is the biggest problem for marriage breakups between muslim and inter-religious marriages.
However, unlike you most born muslim people raised in the east are not as open minded and understanding of other religions.
Not from here.. it sounds like you have great communication with your spouse. And his family are not very strict or religious. However, it really isn't the case with every family and husband. And she needs to make sure who she is marrying and know the possible outcomes should she find out she never really knew him.
Of course I agree with you Abu American that cultural problems is the biggest problem for marriage breakups between muslim and inter-religious marriages.
However, unlike you most born muslim people raised in the east are not as open minded and understanding of other religions.
Not from here.. it sounds like you have great communication with your spouse. And his family are not very strict or religious. However, it really isn't the case with every family and husband. And she needs to make sure who she is marrying and know the possible outcomes should she find out she never really knew him.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi