Hmmm, well I COULD bring you an absolutle gorgeous peacock since one has taken up residence in my yard. Still don't know where he came from..we live WAY the heck out in the country and he just showed up one morning and hasn't left since. He loves english muffins by the way and I've gotten him to eat out of my hand. Hmm..maybe I keep him here...will have to bring you something else!! about a mouse? Seems with the drought here, they are moving into my house. Son and I caught one the other night on a sticky board..then tried to figure what to do with it...needless to say, he's now in several itty bitty pieces ALL over the back field...gotta find a different way to dispose of them since its really quite a waste of shotgun shells.

Seriously tho...will work on something to bring back for you...until then, the weather here is lovely, no dust or sand...fairly mild for late June...but I DO miss all y'all in Doha!!
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.