Politicians have made it nearly impossible for oil companies to drill in the states now. Yes, China is drilling off the coast of Cuba. Can you imagine the mess that could end up being. Do you really think Cuba is going to impose strict enviromental procedures on China? I think not and that is what - 90 miles from the coast of Florida. Yet, US companies cannot drill off the coast of Florida???

Yet, they drill off the coast of Louisiana and we get practically nothing from these leases. The Federal Government gets it all. Louisiana gets a measely 12%. When our representatives tried to fight to get us a higher percentage it was stopped by who? Senators and representatives from the Northeast!! These are the same people who will not allow Windmills off the coast of Massachusetts because it will ruin the view....please!!! They are all a bunch of hypocrites!!

My blood pressure is going up now so I will stop. LOL