When the lights do go out, and the juice to run the war machines dries up, the US will be on a level footing militarily with those resistance groups now preparing for that time to come. It will all boil down to infantry tactics and courage...etc. The US will have no other choice but to play their last card... Duke Nukem'. That's where the UN will step in and offer the only other "SOLUTION", which is that all states surrender their nukes and political power to the UN and accept the leadership of none other than the much anticipated (by our masonic lodge buddies) high priest of the Orient, Mr. Antichrist himself. The absolute world dictatorship will come into effect and anyone wanting to remain within the urban hubs will be under electronic surveillance alredy partially in effect today. Mr. A will first claim to be a world saviour, then a prophet and finally... GOD himself. And there will be no escape other than to abandon all technological gadgets and flee to the mountains, or to accept his reign and receive his stamp of approval by getting microchipped. WILD.. ain't it?