any dairy products, meats, or food containing fiber (obviously!) If you can, try drinking the formula that is used for balancing electolytes in babies who have stomach viruses. In the US its called Pedialyte. Tastes nasty but works.

Once you get the main "problem" to drastically slow down or stop, introduce these foods, in this order, but VERY SLOWLY:

Toast(dry, no butter or jam)

Its called the BRAT diet and is used in hospitals to rectify Montezuma's revenge. They have a binding effect on the digestive tract.

You still need to see a doc if you are having problems, you might have contracted a parasite also. Those are common all over the world and are easily spread.

Good luck...been there, done that...

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.