Briexpat seems well aware of the statistics. Yes the statictics may be right. Please notice one thing if they are right, see the location of the IV league unviersities. They are located into the heart of the major famous cities or the most cherished lcoations in the USA. If you are living in california for example then your renting cost and even taxes are 40% higher than if you are living in Idaho, Texas, Montana etc. Event he fuel costs are different in a same country within differnt states by as much as more than a 1 dollar a gallon.
Usually the people who graduate from IV league or any other universties find jobs in the same locations because the company prefers it to induct a person from the same unviersity near by. They will have to offer them higher salary so that it can be considered equivalent to salary in other location (cheaper ones) in terms of net saving (after taxes and accomdoation costs).
Let me come to second cocern. In USA for a foreigner to have a job or to be graduated from there is lot diffcult than the locals, even to have an excellent grade a foreigner has to device something extraordinary in some instances.
If you have a green card then no problem but if not then expect any thing happening against your plans, it no more a dream place where you will find each and every thing easily.