Black berry is a much better phone than the i phone. I phone's battery cannot be replaced once it is gone.
It is more of an i pod but less efficient as a phone itself. I have seen my friend using an i phone here in Qatar and it seems amazing once it connects the wireless network and then can play youtube videos but when you want to use it as a phone then it lags behind black berry which i have used.
I have now motorolla razor from T mobile USA (unlocked) and i think that it is the best as it is very thin and can be easily handeled. Black berry is amazing.
Black berry is a much better phone than the i phone. I phone's battery cannot be replaced once it is gone.
It is more of an i pod but less efficient as a phone itself. I have seen my friend using an i phone here in Qatar and it seems amazing once it connects the wireless network and then can play youtube videos but when you want to use it as a phone then it lags behind black berry which i have used.
I have now motorolla razor from T mobile USA (unlocked) and i think that it is the best as it is very thin and can be easily handeled. Black berry is amazing.