yes, put the blame where it belongs..still stands. Just because a woman wears a hajib doesn't protect her from rape..and that comes from the male side of the coin. I know what you were trying to say...and yes, the islam does say for men to avert their eyes, etc...but when something does happen (and yes, it DOES to covered women too...)who normally gets the blame? The woman. Reminds me way too much of the way things were back in the mid 1900s where if a woman was raped, it was blamed on her past, what she was wearing, where she was..everything but where it should have been..the rapist. The hajib is great if its an article of clothing that you CHOOSE to wear to express your religious beliefs or your culture, but please, please don't lead young women into the false belief that it will keep men from harrassing you, keep you from committing sins yourself, and certainly not from rape. That installs a false sense of security that can lead to very serious problems further down the line.

As far as keeping the jewels safe...they are just as safe either way...its all in how you approach life, not in what you wear. All you have to do is check out the statistics on women who look and act confident and self assured, and find that the rape stats on that are much lower than those that walk with their heads down and are insecure. In interviews with rapists, they stated that they would watch victims and leave those that looked like they would fight back..and take those that were meeker and unsure of themselves.

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.