npe no weird thoughts about His Highness...I have the utmost admiration for him and his forethought about this country. His "move ahead, not stay behind" attitude is what's made this country what it is today. Silly KSA...I was commenting on his weight loss...and from what I have seen in the photos in the papers, the Heir Apparent has been doing quite well in that respect also! THAT'S what the kudos were for...but they do need them for the improvements in the road systems. I know it it a pain to have them going on and goodness knows, perhaps timing could be better on some things, but putting in intersections at certain places will improve traffic flow..but please, put the perfume bottles back where they can be seen as they are one of the prettiest structures here!!!
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.