Serdal and janeyjaney, I totally agree with you about the condition of those workers, and it must change sooner not later .. BUT
we should blame the government, coz its the one who should regulate the whole thing and punish those companies who mislead their workers ... I 100% agree with you on that .. and that doesn't mean I and every Qatari are guilty! simply coz I and many Qataris didn't mistreat their housemaids .. I always consider them as employees
secondly, take a look at the sex slavery in the UK
and the news goes on and on .. just google "Sex Slavery in the UK"
Now, i'm not saying British people is this and that, but I say this is a crime and whoever does it should be stopped by the government, and if they didn't .. the government is guilty not the British citizens ..
In conclusion I agree with you about the conditions of the workers here in Qatar, but I disagree with who about who is the guilty .. I say the government who allowed the companies to do that.
Serdal and janeyjaney, I totally agree with you about the condition of those workers, and it must change sooner not later .. BUT
we should blame the government, coz its the one who should regulate the whole thing and punish those companies who mislead their workers ... I 100% agree with you on that .. and that doesn't mean I and every Qatari are guilty! simply coz I and many Qataris didn't mistreat their housemaids .. I always consider them as employees
secondly, take a look at the sex slavery in the UK
(Sex slavery widespread in England)
(Baltic girls forced into sex slavery)
(5,000 child sex slaves in UK)
and the news goes on and on .. just google "Sex Slavery in the UK"
Now, i'm not saying British people is this and that, but I say this is a crime and whoever does it should be stopped by the government, and if they didn't .. the government is guilty not the British citizens ..
In conclusion I agree with you about the conditions of the workers here in Qatar, but I disagree with who about who is the guilty .. I say the government who allowed the companies to do that.