British society and like most western societies suffers from some inherent problems.For the British some of these problems originate from the history (Empire and rule over the 'barbarians'i.e non whites)which caused an a certain disposition amongst the English, this still reasonates in language, education, literature and other forms whether intentional or not. Recent events of 9/11 or 7/7 or what is happening in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Palestine etc have contributed to putting stress on the already fragile 'race' relations between the 'British'. Those who come from abroad such migrants/ students etc will come across two things:

1) The deliberate provocation in the form of racism/ discrimination, from those who oppose anything not 'English. This will come from 'right' wing elements such as the BNP, certain publications or just comments from personalities who should know better.

2) Unintentional prejudice through sheer ignorance usually found amongst the general public which finds its way into systems of education, justice and other institutions

Either way both elements are bad and execcerbated by ineefective government systems, culture and need for political correctness. It is a vicious cycle. In good times (economically, when Britain excels in something) the problems are glossed over whilst in bad times (ecenomic depression, being drunk etc) these issues are a focus for everyone in society.

Nevertheless the issues are always there.