for your concern and also the sense of humor!! i needed that!

Ok insurance went like silk full of men waiting...but being female, just went right up and sat down and got the paperwork done..There's something to be said for being a female in this region of the country!!

Tomorrow will go and see what else Ihave to do in the industrial section at Toyota. I agree with all the wrecks lately..what's with that??? I mean the whole parking lot of the insurance company was totally full!!
Makes me wonder if they have any new bumpers left for my car!!! thank God, I wasn't hurt at all..not even a headache..ok I did have one later but that was from just being ticked off about my new car...

MP...rear ending and rumple...PLEASE...not the two in the same sentence anywhere with a reference to me!!! Besides...from what I hear his equipment falls rather "short" anyway...

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.