I don't mind being called a beautiful car...been told I have a nice front bumper before! :) (the rear one needs a bit of work tho!!) Hey, haven't put on the decal yet, but will try to do that tomorrow..I love that one!! I think I need a few like we were talking about that night at the Silver Cafe...only then everyone would run into everyone else because they'd be reading my car!!

Drac does great with fasting during Ramadan as he can't go out when the sun is shining, so can't eat anyway!!!

Oryx..I had to to the police at Al Rayyan...and they were nice enough except the guy who takes the money..he was an azz when I was trying to find out WHY I had to pay for stamps..

Thanks once again everyone for the well wishes..and yes, I always thank God for keeping me safe..My guardian angel was working overtime yesterday!

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.