Ok some of the comments here are just bbad people..How can u guys be so ungrateful?! If u come to a foreign country from Europe or America, there you have the choice whether you stay or leave. Life is good enough there for people to make an informed choice, they can chose. Compare that to someone from Zimbabwe or Iraq where just about anywhere else is better than what they are coming from. When you move countries, there are obviously going to be obstacles you are going to have to overcome.
When I lived in ENgland, rubbish was often not collected becuase the local city council was apparently so underfunded (considering the amount of council tax they took from us I'd love to know where that went). And yes things may seem "a little strange" here compared to back home, but if u really want your home comforts exactly how they are in your home country go back home. It's really simple, and just becuase you signed a contract is no excuse. Stop slagging off Qataris - they aren't perfect, but are you surprised they may start to hate foreigners when all we do is bitch and whine about our tax free salaries, and if we're american/european free housing and god knows how many other perks?