I saw a dentist at the West bay public clinic who, after very briefly cleaning my teeth, suggested I used a mouth wash they prescribed as I could not find Dentyl in Qatar. I often get a little infection in an old root filling but find that flossing and use of Dentyl normally solvs the problem. Unfortunately, using their prescribed mouthwash seemed to make the problem flare up so I returned to ask them to clean and seal it...

I don't remember the Dentist's name but she seemed fairly unfriendly and preceded to poke at it and tell me I needed to floss more. She repeated the sharp prodding process till my mouth started to fill with blood. Then she stopped and asked the nurse to get some iodine!

I don't think the public dentists have much insentive to do work. They seem to avoid doing anything if there is any way not to. Perhaps they don't get paid by the filling, so to speak.

The UK used to have problems with Dentists giving fillings for monetry reasons in the 80's. My teeth remember it well!!! Some even did not use anesthetic so they could sell it elsewhere (- I bit one of those). Now it is better although impossible to get treatment cheaply. They now get paid so much anyway and there is more regulation. Perhaps Qatar will improve over time but till then these forums are the best defence.