After reading the link and all other available info your situation is fixable, but does require you to be strong,it will also proberbly require you to return to him even if it's just for a week, you need to find out were he is holdng our daughters passport, get that grab your daughter and your other kids and get the first available flight outta doha take only what you need back to the states doesn't matter were to in the states just get home there is a flight at 12:15pm to Washington I think this is probably the best as he'll be at work, once there apply straight away for temporary custody in your home state preferably were the children resided for most of their lives, the good thing about this is once this is done and your granted custody the states has an obligation to the Hague treaty regarding child abduction by parents, the best part about it is since Qatar is not part of this treaty even if he files his case before yours here in Qatar The States is under no obligation to honor it even if it is granted to him here, they will however honor any custody given in the states, that includes if he comes and tries to take them to another state or out of the country you CAN have him arrested on kidnapping charges.
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.
After reading the link and all other available info your situation is fixable, but does require you to be strong,it will also proberbly require you to return to him even if it's just for a week, you need to find out were he is holdng our daughters passport, get that grab your daughter and your other kids and get the first available flight outta doha take only what you need back to the states doesn't matter were to in the states just get home there is a flight at 12:15pm to Washington I think this is probably the best as he'll be at work, once there apply straight away for temporary custody in your home state preferably were the children resided for most of their lives, the good thing about this is once this is done and your granted custody the states has an obligation to the Hague treaty regarding child abduction by parents, the best part about it is since Qatar is not part of this treaty even if he files his case before yours here in Qatar The States is under no obligation to honor it even if it is granted to him here, they will however honor any custody given in the states, that includes if he comes and tries to take them to another state or out of the country you CAN have him arrested on kidnapping charges.
"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.