I never listen to the advice of other people, you will just have to go there and e experiences it and as with any place you go find out about the surroundings that you will be living or visiting first. I have traveled around the world and people told me all kinds of things if I had of listen to them I would not have stories to tell my kids and grand children. Before I went to china a white man told me that I should not go because the chinese do not like black people and treat them very bad there. Well, it is simply not true. I was adored when I went to china. Many people stopped and wanted to know who I was or just to say hello to me. Some place I went they have never met a black person but yet they invited me into their homes, shook my hand and hugged me good bye- it was priceless. There is crime all over the world, if you really look into it the united states is one of the most dangerous places to live. And the majority of the people are not black there. In my opinion the crime your are talking about in south africa is not much different than the crime here in north america I see the same things happening here. Car windows get smashed, cars get stolen, women get rapped, people get robber, people get aids. Only difference is south africa is dominated by black people, I might add black people that have been working/slaving for the very folk that are leaving that country. By the way about a couple of years ago there was a white south african couple who moved back to the states after 40, they were murdered about 1 month after returning, so gos to show you they just may have been safer in SA.

Go, but be safe

I am always excited to go to sleep! In anticipation of the new experience I will find awaiting me.