Realsome: If that's the way, love doesn't matter, than my racional side tells me that Islam isn't a solution but a problem and that it really doesn't represent God's word.
All humans are equal, at His sight, anyone stating different is a liar. It's too sad, my friend. Discussions are normal, but both have the same rights and obligations, in Europe, women are the responsables for the kids education. To be able to discuss and leurn and understand we need to be tolerant, and one day even muslims will understand it. That God/Allah enlightens your way before it's too late.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
Realsome: If that's the way, love doesn't matter, than my racional side tells me that Islam isn't a solution but a problem and that it really doesn't represent God's word.
All humans are equal, at His sight, anyone stating different is a liar. It's too sad, my friend. Discussions are normal, but both have the same rights and obligations, in Europe, women are the responsables for the kids education. To be able to discuss and leurn and understand we need to be tolerant, and one day even muslims will understand it. That God/Allah enlightens your way before it's too late.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ