like anything else in the public...never believe everything you hear as each form of information will have its own slant to economic and wartime issues. Our own news people love to try and find a way to make any and everything appear to be wrong...just check out Geraldo Rivera when he went to Iraq and publically TOLD the entire world where one battalion of soldiers was located in Iraq. Sensationalism sells...regardless of who it hurts.

Of course you need to stick to what you think is right, but for your own good, always look at more than one viewpoint before you make up your mind. Do research, in depth research..and never take the newscasters word for anything except BS, which most of it is...

Bad thing about not being totally informed is that when you make blanket statements, some people will believe everything they read...which is really sad.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.