bubbly...someday perhaps you will grow up enough to know the difference between someone ridiculing your religion or part of it and someone making a comment on it. Or at least I certainly hope so...

Funny thing is that if you were on here long enough to know me, like other Indians have been, you'd find I am one of the biggest supporters of your nation. You really should learn to relax and take life a lot less serious and making more out of people's comments than was meant, otherwise you'll end up living a very worrisome life. Its too short to be that way and you are way too young to not be enjoying life and all its people.

Like someonenew said, we all do silly things (in others' eyes at least) like kissing under mistletoe. Its tradition. Or...say, (and I think this one is hilarious because its going no where anyway) taking a body to the morgue, filling it with formaldehyde to preserve it, getting it all dressed up, full makeup so it looks "alive"(???) andhaving an open casket...do what???? Ok WHY??? because its tradition. Personally speaking, when I am dead, I hope they just dig a hole and put me in there(to help fertilize the soil because I've had a LOT of people tell me I am full of, um, crap, lol)...and have one heck of a party to celebrate my life that was long and happy.

Learn to look at life and even religion with a smile and you'll live a much happier life.

I will continue to say what is crossing my mind because that's what I was raised to do by my parents. I will not intentionally say things that hurt others, but by the same token, i will not sit and weigh my every word because I MIGHT offend someone or their religion, by accident. That's what I took offense to in your original post.

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.