I found the place where I read. It is in spanish, sorry, but I would try to translate at least the beginning.


Im not telling this true or not, it is just another point of view. As I started my first post: "One time, I heard that ..."


Some profesors are arguing against the official version, that says that Islam was forced violently in iberian peninsula, after arab invasion in 711. They say tat Islam was not forced and was not extrange for hispanians that took it massively and free.

In their opinion, the muslim forcement was not that. It was an invention from Christian Church in order to cover their defeat against the unitarian christians, followers of arraniasm preached by Prisciliano.

Was history like it was told to us? Is it possible that in VII century a muslim army could cross Gibraltar defeat visigoths armies and bring under most of the iberian peninsula? a gang of berbers could maintain 20 millions of hispaniards during some centuries? Against this we have the fact that there is no document from those days with reference to the terrible invasion, that if true if shld be for peninsulars all the imaginable bad things. The first news dont appear until the latin and muslims cronicals from XI centuries, six generations, 150 years after the facts, when Islam was strongly rooted in Peninsula.

Some researchers, after check that muslims claim for impossible victories and that cristians omited any detail about what was happening, conclude that mith has survived because it was worthy to maintain. Between muslims, because it glorified them, between the cristians because it covered a social and religious defeat from the eyes of his own people.

The civil war that was in Iberian Peninsula at the beginning of VIII century, described as a political conflict and dress up later as an invasion from outsiders, had his origin four centuries before, in the controversial between two cristians ideas: the unitarians (arrians), that said that Son was not equal to Father, meaning that Jesus was not God; and the trinitarians, coming from the ideas of San Pablo that maintained that three different figures: Son, Father and Saint Spirit was one True God.



Apologize my "free" translation - my english is not so good.

Article is long and long... but basically it says that in Iberia we had two different religious armies before the muslims came: the arrians believers of only one God, being Jesus only one prophet, and trinitarians believers of the Saint Trinity.

So, making a simplification you can imagine the muslims arriving to any fortified visigoth city...

Muslim on his horse in front of the door - "Eh! Open the door!!! We are tired, hungry and dirty!!!"

Suspicious visigoth - "Before open the door... How many gods are and who is Jesus??????"

Muslim - "mmmm... well... there is only one God, Allah and Jesus is one of His prophets..."

Visigoth - "Allah? Well, we called Him here Father, but its the same! Ey! Open the doors! These people are friends and real believers..."


War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.