it needs to be kept legal for many reasons.

Now that being said...has anyone ever stopped to think of the young girl who might have been raped by her step father, uncle, cousin, whatever...and telling someone she is pregnant due to that would result in her being beaten or even killed? Those cases are difficult to prove since whoever did the raping obviously isn't going to confess...but to that young girl who was the victim , this might be her only chance to get help. some countries, being pregnant when not married is a death matter HOW you got that way.

I do disagree with abortion being used as a form of birth control, but as was earlier pointed out...those that have had abortions know its not a simple decision or an easy one. And yes, all forms of birth control CAN and DO fail at times.

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.