I used to work in a Planned Parenthood facility..one that is famous across America for its radical protestors. I worked as a counselor, escort( the loonies outside were considered so dangerous we had to wear bullet proof vests, but they were only "praying"..yeah right) and also have attended procedures.
Trust me when I say its dealt with as a LOT more than just a tooth removal process.Being nonjudgemental is extremely important as if someone starts to pass judgement on these girls/women, they might just go do something dangerous to save what life they do have. It is not only a physically painful process, its scary, and emotionally scarring. But then again..forcing a 12 year old to have a baby that her body isn't physically ready to produce and deliver is many times, worse than the alternative.
I feel that the only way to prevent this becoming more and more prevalent is education. Education as to what is acceptable within a relationship of family members, education as in how the body works, education in how to say no and have enough self respect for themselves to SAY no...If parents aren't going to step up and teach their own children how to grow up with self respect and knowledge then someone has to. Allow this to be taught in schools by trained professionals who actually DO care. Knowledge isn't the enemy, ignorance is.
Bottom line is though..if these young women are forced to report taking the morning after pill, then we will end up with a LOT more deaths with them trying to find a way to deal with the issue. Remember back before abortion was legal, the number of back alley abortion related deaths and multiply it times the number that the female population has grown in the last 30 years. It will be mind boggling.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
I used to work in a Planned Parenthood facility..one that is famous across America for its radical protestors. I worked as a counselor, escort( the loonies outside were considered so dangerous we had to wear bullet proof vests, but they were only "praying"..yeah right) and also have attended procedures.
Trust me when I say its dealt with as a LOT more than just a tooth removal process.Being nonjudgemental is extremely important as if someone starts to pass judgement on these girls/women, they might just go do something dangerous to save what life they do have. It is not only a physically painful process, its scary, and emotionally scarring. But then again..forcing a 12 year old to have a baby that her body isn't physically ready to produce and deliver is many times, worse than the alternative.
I feel that the only way to prevent this becoming more and more prevalent is education. Education as to what is acceptable within a relationship of family members, education as in how the body works, education in how to say no and have enough self respect for themselves to SAY no...If parents aren't going to step up and teach their own children how to grow up with self respect and knowledge then someone has to. Allow this to be taught in schools by trained professionals who actually DO care. Knowledge isn't the enemy, ignorance is.
Bottom line is though..if these young women are forced to report taking the morning after pill, then we will end up with a LOT more deaths with them trying to find a way to deal with the issue. Remember back before abortion was legal, the number of back alley abortion related deaths and multiply it times the number that the female population has grown in the last 30 years. It will be mind boggling.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.