the crime is horrendeous and its not a sexual one..its one of violence and it was done to belittle someone they consider a religious icon. It IS worse than "just" rape because it had a message to it. This could be compared to someone raping a religious leader who has dedicated his life to Allah or a Hindu god..and the police sitting by watching makes them just as guilty as the ones doing the raping. They allowed it to happen..which is what they are supposed to be stopping. So much for being big brave police officers. Tell you what...if I was a citizen of that city, I certainly wouldn't want anyone of that personal caliper taking care of me and my way you could trust them.

You know, its one thing to have the police stand by and watch with the rape and crowd there, but its quite another to have them ignore her when she tries to report it...what gives with that??? Are they part of the problem as well?

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.