Munich and met us on Christmas day. We took a train to a ski resort and spent the night at a very quaint hotel and ate, you guessed it! suckling pig! We spent the next 4 days in Garmish and then flew back to Doha, where I introduced my eldest son to many of the QLers. (the youngest one had contracted a severe case of the flu and was checking out the inside of his eyelids for 4 days!)It was wonderful to get to see them and we had decorated the house with a tree and everything else we could find here in Doha that was Christmas related.

That was a great Christmas. This one, we are flying back home to Texas and its my turn to cook Christmas dinner for all my extended family. I love doing that...its hectic but ohh so worth it when my sons tell me how much they love the dinner. Hubby does a smoked turkey in the BBQ grill...and everyone else is outside around a bonfire if its cold enough..if not then they are target shooting in the back field.

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.