You do not need a relegion to be a good or a kind hearted person.
You do need a relegion to thank God for all what he gave you. God gives health, money, children, happiness, and a lot of other things to you.
If your boss gives you 1000 Qar as a bonus every month, can you tell me what you will do? You will thanking him every day, meeting with him, and obey all his orders.
That is Boss, normal human being not the creator. You should have releigion to thank God as you thank your boss, pray for him as you you will always meet your boss, and obey his orders, not any other orders as you obey your boss' orders.
If you thank anybody other than your boss who is giving you the bonus, your boss will get angry with you. Same thing with God, you should thank him only, and not having anyone as intermediate or a partner with him.
Please think again people, things are not so simple as you imagine. There is an ultimate power who controls everything on earth and everywhere.
If you have more questions or comments, I will be happy to answer, and I can talk to you over the phone also.
You do not need a relegion to be a good or a kind hearted person.
You do need a relegion to thank God for all what he gave you. God gives health, money, children, happiness, and a lot of other things to you.
If your boss gives you 1000 Qar as a bonus every month, can you tell me what you will do? You will thanking him every day, meeting with him, and obey all his orders.
That is Boss, normal human being not the creator. You should have releigion to thank God as you thank your boss, pray for him as you you will always meet your boss, and obey his orders, not any other orders as you obey your boss' orders.
If you thank anybody other than your boss who is giving you the bonus, your boss will get angry with you. Same thing with God, you should thank him only, and not having anyone as intermediate or a partner with him.
Please think again people, things are not so simple as you imagine. There is an ultimate power who controls everything on earth and everywhere.
If you have more questions or comments, I will be happy to answer, and I can talk to you over the phone also.
E-mail [email protected]