you need to wake up sweetie...

this guy set down the guidelines from the beginning...WHY would he do that if he never intended to marry you from the first day? Because he didn't want any strings attached. Yes, he probably IS good to you...if you are having a relationship with a person, why not be good to them or they will leave. Qatari men can marry whom they choose but a lot of them choose to just have affairs and not worry about the rest of the issues.(ok not just singling out Qatari..that's men in general!)

You say he's do you know that? I know of many men here that their wives live elsewhere so they are living the "single" life. You've never met his me..there's a reason for that...he doesn't want them to know you exist. any man who loves someone will take them to meet his parents when he is serious.

Some people on here say not to listen to the posts..but in that, you should always wonder if they themselves aren't in a similar situation but won't face facts also. The truth hurts but you CAN stop the pain and stop being used by someone who has no intention of completing the relationship. Move on...cut ties..yes it will hurt but not as much as being used will...

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.