just don't appreciate some of the comments that seem to come slam one right after the other...

And my take on why Bush was elected twice is that the Rebuplicans garnered up a lot of the religious right voters. Democrats had the problem of not having a strong representative...so it was a choice of a rock and a hard place. I voted against Bush in that election. Democrats have always had a backbone...however now its that they have to deal with 2 Houses that are overloaded with Republicans. Thank you so much, Mr Bush! Its going to be an uphill battle for anything that Obama wants to accomplish.

I just findit really amusing that people from other nations think they know more about the whats and whys of what happens in America, so take pot shots all the time. Must be nice to be from a perfect country that has a perfect ruling government.

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.