I don't speak up though, unless I have no choice. I usually just simply move away to another spot. I can stand it for a while, like maybe one round and continue chatting or whatever I'm doing .. but thereafter, I excuse myself and move away.

Not gutless but consideration for others. I will fight where necessary but I choose my battles carefully. An anti-smoking campaign is not one of them, for now. maybe if I have a family later. Qatar, being a family oriented place, should be against smoking. It's a health hazard.

You know, I see a number of Qatari and other guys smoking right under No Smoking signs... And some of them, even right in front of their wives and kids.

But having said that, there are some who have been considerate as well. Like I was once in Starbucks some time back, working on something (more or less settled at my spot for quite a while) when this Qatari guy sat at a nearby table and started smoking like a chimney. But after a short while, he realized that his smoke was almost literally getting in my face, so he, at his own volition, moved away. Very kind and considerate of him, I thought.

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama