Lullabelle, thanks for posting this thread and bringing it to public attention. The general perception is that Qatar is very safe but it's prudent to be alert. It's not the loss of the camera itself that's the issue here, as you said... it's the fact that it was stolen.

Coming from Malaysia and being on my own a lot, I'm automatically cautious. On the whole, it is safer here in Qatar but still, we need to keep our eyes peeled.

I understand underpaid workers, low wages and bad working conditions, etc. but IMHO, nothing justifies causing harm to another person, as far as possible. In these thieves' view, they probably think that other people can well afford it but I can't even feed my family. They don't see beyond their own desperate situations. The person they stole from could have been made a bankrupt and actually, also cannot afford to feed his family currently, and he was just invited by his friend to attend a fancy dinner at the hotel, to help bring him out of the doldrums temporarily... but the thieves won't see that.

It is true that generally it's easier to be charitable when you have money. But it is also easy to be charitable when you don't have money,if your priorities are different. I know many people who are poor back home and frankly, they are about the nicest, kindest, down to earth people I know. They (generally) think of people other than themselves. Perhaps it's upbringing - religious or otherwise. They don't have a materialistic streak, seek not to harm other people, etc. I'm talking generally, of course.

/Note: I'm not talking about some of the egoistical, city slickers - the ones who don't give 2 hoots about anyone other than themselves - also a generalization. There are always exceptions.

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama