In Argentina our part-time maid frequently borrowed money from us. She always paid us back, but we finally put a stop to it when she became involved in a crazy pyramid scheme (she called it a "savings account" whereby each person put in $x per week and each week one person would take home all the money. We tried to explain to her that this was bogus, but she wouldn't listen; I don't know if she ever got hosed or not.

Our nanny in Texas really was as much a part of the family as an employee could be. There was definitely an employee/employer line - sometimes spoken, sometimes not - but we adored her. When we knew we were leaving I spent months advertising and interviewing to find the perfect family for her to work for. . .her current employer is as in love with her as we are.

I guess that's what I'm hoping/searching for. . .I want another Lupe :)