What exactly is it that you are looking for that your not finding in doha? You just have to find out what it is you are looking for and I am sure you can find it in any country. I used to feel the same way here in canada, I found that after my daughter left my home that I had no friends and I was alone. there were other younger women with smaller children. I found I had nothing in common with them after my daughter left. I walked into a church one sunday morning and that day changed the rest of my life. I met friends in the church that were my age and I joined a gym group that these friends were a part of. From this group I did many fun sports, activities and got to know many people. I am now never alone and if I wanted to do something as simple as going for a bowl of soup with someone all I got to do is call one of them. anyway why don't you try to find something like I did and who knows you may end up having the most unforgettable time.

I am always excited to go to sleep! In anticipation of the new experience I will find awaiting me.