I rest my case...yet another brit who thinks they rule the world..sighhh....

reminds me of the mental image i have of your country...they had a stamp that said "mine" on it and kept hitting it all over the world...mine, mine,mine, mine...then had to give it all back when they used up all the resources and people of that country..

as far as the numbers...yep...we did have more but they were not trained as per my earlier post...its like pitting poodles against pitbulls..but still we won the war...why? because we wanted OUT from under your thumb because your country was mistreating our citizens. As far as help...your country asked the Germans for help during this war...funny thing tho..they turned on you too, didn't they?

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.