Thejam - "there is a time factor in there, but most women i have known would love to have the husband away from the house at least aday of the week and have time to themselves."

Oh, I absolutely agree. Being married doesn't mean living in each other's pockets all the time. Time together is important to grow together as a couple but so is time apart to grow personally / individually. Shared interests and hobbies are important but so are differing ones. It's suffocating to be together all the time.

True that some women prefer not being the only wife as long as she's the primary wife (not necessarily the 1st wife) because the husband loves and adores her but is only taking care of the other women (eg. widows, etc). works for some women. I know and read of some of the young women who are 2nd or 3rd wife but they are truly happy, which is great for them.

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama