A guy walks into a Jewish pawnbroker shop and asks to see the owner.
The owner duly appears and the guy says 'Are you Mr.Goldberg?'
'Yes I am' says the owner, and the guy promptly gives him a hard slap in the face.
'What was that for?' says the owner.
'That was for the Titanic!' says the guy.
'But that was an Iceberg!' says Mr.Goldberg.
'Aahh, Iceberg, Goldberg, what's the difference?' says the guy.
A guy walks into a Jewish pawnbroker shop and asks to see the owner.
The owner duly appears and the guy says 'Are you Mr.Goldberg?'
'Yes I am' says the owner, and the guy promptly gives him a hard slap in the face.
'What was that for?' says the owner.
'That was for the Titanic!' says the guy.
'But that was an Iceberg!' says Mr.Goldberg.
'Aahh, Iceberg, Goldberg, what's the difference?' says the guy.