and I'll raise your 1000% to 2000% and say that what ever degree you have from your country with the exceptions of the UK, Canada and the US will be useless in places like Canada and the US. The standards of teaching are different and in most cases the laws and practices are poor. One good example: We have many nurses from the philipines and india that come to canada who will not qualify for work here unless they go to school all over again. Now our government is doing something about this due to the shortages of nurses and doctors. Some or these immigrants qualify for financial assistance to take the courses again depending on which way they immigrated here to canada. Here is another example which would be good for some bad for others! if you are a lawyer you can practice here if you have studied some degree of international law. If you are a lawyer who studied lets say criminal or real estate law that pertains to that country then your out of luck.

Since I live in canada and I work close with the immigrant community I think I qualify to give you a accurate perspective of the situation here in Canada or at least here in vancouver. Yes some people, actually a lot of immigrants do come to canada to fill their dreams. But let me tell you the ones that do come here and make it big are A)from families with money in their country, B) have a good family base here already and community base- you will not see east indian families here living in poverty even if they are not rich. C)they have an education and work background that fits canada working standards, D)they are drug dealers, pimps or they steal for a living. If you are just a regular "ole joe blow" trying to get ahead for the love of money then chance are if you end up staying in canada that your struggle will be the same as the other millions of immigrants we have here. So, sheerye you are quite accurate in giving the details of your friends story. And QS is quite accurate when she states that not all is the same for everyone, just every-one-else that doesn't fit in the above.

I am always excited to go to sleep! In anticipation of the new experience I will find awaiting me.