Godsgrace. It's very difficult to clearly explain to you why DB feels so badly about the situation.

But having experienced similar treatment from a certain group within a large operating company here, I can sympathise with some of his feelings.

Believe me, it is true that 'Mafia's' operate within the major oil & gas operators here.

Coming in as a new recruit to these companies, it takes a little time to understand exactly what is going on and what exactly they require of you.

The 'Mafia' understands this and takes full advantage of the situation, they will push you in all directions except the right one.

Even when you realise and understand what is really going on, there is little you can do about it because the 'Mafia' have established connections right at the top, and you, as a new recruit, will not be listened too.

I fought these guys for two years, and even though I frequently embarrassed them and demonstrated to the top people that they were incompetent and corrupt, nothing changed.

You must draw your own conclusions as to why nothing changed, but it really does not take a lot of brainpower to work it out.