so far they've stopped my ATM card twice, without notice, same with credit cards..Hubby goes down and fills out paperwork to get it all started back up (never did say WHY they stopped it...certainly wasn't due to nonpayment!!) then the card works for 1 month..and again is stopped. This time someone has compromised our card...WHAT??? This is one of the super chip cards that is SOOO safe, so they say...anyway...after stopping it, hubby finds several charges from AUSTRALIA on our bill...goes to talk with the bank and are told that it will take 6 months for that to clear out. Meanwhile, MY credit card isn't working and they can't figure out why...and my ATM card only works when you run it UP the machine VERY slowly and hold your breath...I'm sick of the incompetent employees there.

Ohh and I went to go transfer money late one morning because their internet services weren't working..and the employee tells me that if I come earlier it would be much easier for HER!!!!! If I could have come earlier, I would have!! Um, what happened to customer service?

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.