Iv recieved a message from another who is interested... EMC-12 I believe it is about:
200 QR for a half day : 4 hours
275 for 8 hour day
So because of the small price difference a 8 hour day seems much more worth the money. I am wondering if you have to walk up the dunes your self? or if there is a driver with an ATV or soemthing, I will have to look into that. I am PM ou about this..
so.. if you are in we just need one other to come and we will have a group of four... maybe one of my work peers would come.
Hey there,
Iv recieved a message from another who is interested... EMC-12 I believe it is about:
200 QR for a half day : 4 hours
275 for 8 hour day
So because of the small price difference a 8 hour day seems much more worth the money. I am wondering if you have to walk up the dunes your self? or if there is a driver with an ATV or soemthing, I will have to look into that. I am PM ou about this..
so.. if you are in we just need one other to come and we will have a group of four... maybe one of my work peers would come.
YAY, i am exited to try this...